[x]2b (heh), or rather, not 2b :)
If you are going to press play - "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers
Coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss
It was only a kiss This rest of that song is pretty dead on metaphorically. That is what I love about music... Always a song to define a mood or feeling at the right time.
Last weekend was the
Metrotimes Hamtramck Blowout. It is a festival of local music at 20 venues, over 100 bands, over 4 nights. Margarita has been an intern for a while and she got me to volunteer to help out.
It was the most fun I have had in a VERY long time. It is Monday now and I am STILL exhausted (after party lasted until 4am on Sunday morning)...
Even though this lasted only a few days it reminds me of the summer institute I attended at Eastern back in 1994.
The thing is, I would never have met any of those people under normal circumstances. Everyone was super nice and very outgoing. All of the organizers were really laid back and although our role was very important to the festival, it was still a very casual atmosphere.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I worked 6pm - 2am, at 3 different bars with 3 different people. Two of the nights I had fun (One night at the Locker Room it was kind of lame but I had a hot chick to keep me company all night) - The other 2 nights the bands were good, the bars were cool, and I had alot of fun being the stage manager.
All I had to do was make sure the bands started and ended on time. It was cool to meet bands playing different types of music. Different ages as well.
The first night when I got home at 2:30am I was wired and couldn't sleep. It kind of set the tone for the whole weekend because during the day I was exhausted and giddy about going back.
The after party was really fun. All of the organizers showed alot of appreication, thanking me and everyone else for having the Blowout go smoothly (there were a few minor snags). It was open bar from 2am until 4am. I had a few (just a few, I had to drive home) - it was the first time I had really drank since my birthday back in November... I had given up drinking for Beth but she has chosen not to be a part of my life anymore so there that goes.
When it was time to say goodbye it was kind of sad. When I went home and took off the blowout t-shirt and the all access staff pass that was pretty sad too, because it was over. However I am really interested in becoming and intern myself and definately volunteering next year.
Being a day removed from it... I have been thinking about myself and who I was this past weekend. Under normal circumstances I am not a very social person. It's not that I am anti-social... I just keep to myself. I'm so quiet and shy that some of my mom's teacher friends didn't even know I existed until last week.
However, doing this forced me to be social, which was good for me. When we were all sitting around the table one night it dawned on me that I don't really have to try to be funny or charming, it's who I am. Margarita and I were playing off eachother and everyone was laughing.
This whole weekend I had to talk to hundreds of strangers, and more often than not I would catch myself smiling. It was genuine too. There was no acting or adapting... It's just who I was/am and I want to be like that everyday now.
This whole weekend I was up to my neck in cool people, fun bands, and hot chicks. It helped me alot of interact with them all (especially the girls).
Oh, and the bands? Check out
THE SIGHTS!!! They were the last band I saw the last night and I was really impressed. They have a great sound and alot of enthusiasm.
Well here are some quick shout-outs in case anyone cares: Margarita - thank you so much for getting me involved and being a good friend. Colleen - thanks for letting me volunteer and being a beautiful person, inside and out (I can tell). Paycheck - You are the man. McHale - Red bulls forever.
DEATH BY ACCORDION - Thanks for the t-shirt.
POLISH MUSLIMS - You have to fight, for the right, kelbasaaaaaa. Natalie - Thanks for bearing with the Locker Room with me, and great conversation about power in relationships. Kim - You nailed me on my friendship with Margarita and we had a great last night, you are hot, awesome, and assertive. Lastly thanks to Anthony and all of the organizers - it was a great experience for me and I will hopefully see you all next year.